Thursday, September 18, 2008

Weather inspired backpacking at Surprise Lake

Inspired by stellar mid-September weather reports for Monday-Wednesday, Bob and I worked through the weekend and left Monday morning for a two night stay backpacking in the North Cascades at Surprise Lake. We were rewarded with beautiful skies and the place to ourselves.

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning we woke in our tent to an unusual amount of light. The moon was big, in a cloudless sky and the grand white rocks in our campsite we're well illuminated. It was relatively warm and we were able to wander around as if in daylight. Bob took some fantastic moonlight pictures.

Tuesday we day hiked up to Glacier Lake, for lunch and a swim. It was cold, icy cold. Back at Surprise Lake we had another swim. It may have been a few degrees warmer but they were both invigorating. The dog loved it all. He's such a water baby.

Wednesday morning we pack up and head out. On the way down we resolve to pack lighter, next time.

Purge, days 14, 15, 16: Purged some stress cause we were out camping!

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